
Jun 15, 2013

Here's my little introduction so ya'll know who's browsing and answering on other posts!

My name is Julie-Maye. Call me Julie...or Ju, or Jules, or whatever you feel like. I don't take offense to anything, really...

I'm 18 years old, and recently purchased my first fish tank. My father's had many in the past so I'm fairly knowledgeable on the task of caring for fish. My tank is 10 gallons, and currently only holds a Betta and a Filter Clam. Next week I will be purchasing more fish to add - tetras/guppies/zebras are what I'm interested in, with it being such a small tank. I'm thinking 2 of each, so 7 fish in the tank in total. Enough to be pretty - but not so much that it's over crowded or a hassle to clean with all the fish and decor in there.

This next part is a description of me, I apologize if it sounds like a corny dating profile HAHA.

I'm a country girl, never been a huge fan of the city - their malls are excellent. The hussle and bussle? TOO MUCH. Can't handle it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE trucks, specifically 4x4s. I currently own a 2001 2wd Dodge Ram. I'll soon be purchasing a 78/79 Ford Bronco (4x4 obviously.)

I love pets. For family pets, there are our 4 dogs: Jake, Fuzzy, Fiddich, and Lillee. Then, there's our two cats: Momma and TT. Personally, I have my fish tank now, a rabbit named Buster (yes, the name comes from the cartoon Arthur...) and a parrotlet named Lola. Within' the next couple of weeks I may be bringing home a baby hamster, as well. Can you tell I'm a pet-a-holic? I enjoy smaller pets because the maintenance can all be done in the evenings/mornings, and I don't feel bad leaving them home all day as I would with a dog.

Anyway, I'm sure there'll be a lot more to learn about me - and a lot for me to learn about all of you. I look forward to getting to know everyone, and expanding my knowledge on that which is the life of the owner of pet fish! Hehe.

Catch ya'll later, much love from over here in British Columbia!


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
wouldn't u just know it. i girl who sounds perfect for me lives in another country. just no fair lol. :p welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will find alot fo good advice on here and not just on fish as pretty much everyone on here is a pet person.

I have 5 tanks, my dog (emma) , and 2 cats (ghost, Charcoal) myself. I've had rabbits, racoons, and had a baby deer that was rather friendly till it got big enough to jump the fence. then i never seen it again. it was wild but still i spent alot of time with the little guy so still consider it a short term pet lol. And with that being said it's kinda obvious i'm a country boy. and i also drive a dodge. just mine is a lifted 99 dakota 4X4. Thats a little info about me, and i'm sure some is info others on here don't even know about me lol

Jun 15, 2013

Pleasure to meet you! That sounds like a pretty awesome truck! I am so excited for next week, I am hopefully bringing home a baby hamster! EEEEP! :) So excited :)

I'll keep you posted! Haha!


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I'm looking into getting a pet skunk myself within the next year. they have the sent glands removed and they act like a clumsy cat. they can't jump onto counters or table like cats which is the exact reason mine are outdoors. and skunks are blind after about 8 feet. a friend of mine had one and they are realy friendly and cool. he got his when it still needed to be bottle fed. i still see his fox running around from time to time. only fox i know of with a bob tail at least lol.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY

Sounds like nice 10g you've got going. I love bettas as well. Currently have 4 females in my 55g and have had single males in 10g's. Be aware that they can be grumpy tank mates, especially when in a small environment like a 10g. I've found that they do well with a group of small tetras or danios. In a larger tank, you'd have more options w/out potential issues.

I love BC by the way!! Where else could you live in place named Skookumchuck? (my company has a plant there LOL!!)

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