Introductory groveling

May 2, 2006

This is my first post in this forum, but I've been lurking as a guest for a while now. I feel some introductory groveling would be appropriate, so with your permission, here it goes:

You people are incredibly smart and knowledgeable and I feel unworthy of being in your online presence. But please, force the light of your wisdom on the shadow of my many beginner's mistakes. If you don't find me deserving of your help, then don't do it for me, but please, do it for my fish!


Now, some quick background before I start assaulting this fine community with my many questions.

I bought my first fishtank last fall at a garage sale for twenty bucks. It's a small one, 10 gallons, with cheap lighting (the kind with lightbulbs) but with what I think is a good external filter (aquaclear mini). I made many foolish things, like not waiting long enough for the tank to be cycled before adding fish and then overstocking the tank. The deaths of a ghost shrimp and three bronze cories are haunting me. I bought half a dozen books about fish tanks (mostly second hand, I'm cheap) and read some more stuff on websites, including this one.

I want to learn from my old mistakes, avoid making new ones and provide my fish and invertebrates with a comfortable existence. I'm slowly getting addicted to fish keeping and my girlfriend threatened to break up with me if I didn't find someone else than her to discuss it with.

So... Any room for me here? Or are you overstocked yet?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Ah you are on a path of enlightenment my son.

We will most certainly be happy to help you with your questions.

Welcome to the tank!

lil tip with the G/F, try and get her into live bearers. Set her up with a 10 gl with them. Guppies preferably, then when she needs another tank you are free to get another tank. Marital phsyc 101.


Large Fish
Jul 21, 2005
southern oregon coast
Hey dont listen to what Pure said...hes already in the dog house with his Mrs. anyone who has over 40 tanks in a townhouse is definately "sick" as he has titled himself many times...HOWEVER DO listen to anything he has to say about keeping fish, tanks, bottomfeeders..hes got the background of good experience to answer lots of questions LOL set you up there didnt I Pure! HAHA
BTW Welcome to the many faces of insanity because we are definately insanely habitual when it comes to our fish!


Large Fish
Dec 23, 2005
Welcome to the tank:D Don't worry about the mistakes you've made in the past. Everyone has beginners mistakes. Just keep learning and you will become one of us, the incredibly smart and knowledgable people;)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Welcome to mft :) Hey we all had to start somewhere right? Garage sales are awesome, and as for buying stuff second hand...I dont like to call it "cheap" I like to call it "thrifty". Of course what I REALLY mean by that is the less money I can spend buying things I really dont need the more money I can spend on my fishtanks :D It really is an addiction.

Oh and btw, I totally agree on the getting the significant other interested in the fish. Doesn't mean you have to inundate them with it...but it even worked with my roommate! I gave her my first tank because she saw how much I was liking my tanks...then pretty soon she had three of her own upstairs and isn't allowed to complain about the 5 I have down here! :D


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
" Better to open your mouth and be a fool for five mintues than keep it shut and remain a fool forever. "

So in other words, ask all you like, as we are all here to help one another in this hobby. Even those among us who have been doing this for years still learn everyday about something. You will never know everything there is to know, nor will you meet someone who has. If someone says that they do, then you know right from the start they are full of it :)

Welcome to MFT, the tank here is never full enough.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
I havn't gotten yelled at for asking a "dumb" question yet so ask away. I have to say as far as info and people taking the time to help this is one of the best forums I've found yet.

P.S. The stickys on here are great. They are chuck full of info that can help too. Questions are always welcome