Invert problem?


New Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Hermit crab and carpet Anemone.

Ok no lectures here please.

This is in a 30 gallon tank that has been established for over 2 years but this tank due to my work schedule has been neglected, basically just water added.

While at the store this past weekend the wife wanted a Anemone and a hermit crab, I advised against but she wanted them, i figured that I would have to start maintaining the tank much better again anyway so we got em.

Both the crab and the anemone look terrible, the crab hasnt moved since acclimated and the anemone is shriveled, the fish that were added at the same time are doing well.

I realize that there is a water issue but just wondered what the MOST likely cause for this would be, i'm goint to the store today to get stuff and would appriciate any theroies.

Oh, fish in the 30 gallon: Sailfin Tang, 2 small Clarkii clowns, 1 scooter blenny, 1 Coral beauty and one unknown goby.



Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Hmmm, where to start.... ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, ph levels, dkh, and all the other trace elements. If you are only adding water the tank isn't getting a replenishment of its trace elements nor other critical elements. A carpet anemone in a 30 isn't a good idea.

Oh, the fish you have aren't a good fit for a 30 either... The scooter is ok, but the other 2 aren't.


New Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Yeah I thought Nitrites too....making adjustments today.

P.S. The sailfin Tang has been in this tank for over 2 years and is happy as a clam. *BOUNCINGS


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
its not the reason for the anem is shrivled up right now but carpet anems do require mh lighting.... what type of lighting do u have? they also need prestine water conditions and with that ridiculous bioload youve got goin on there is impossoble to keep evn with a decsent skimmer which im sure u dont have ;) and just cause the sailfin has been in there for 2 years doesnt mean he's happy! he can survive yes but its mean and cruel.... its like he was sentance to life in prison (24hr lock down) yea u could survive in prison but by no means does it mean your happy :p


New Fish
Sep 2, 2008
its not the reason for the anem is shrivled up right now but carpet anems do require mh lighting.... what type of lighting do u have? they also need prestine water conditions and with that ridiculous bioload youve got goin on there is impossoble to keep evn with a decsent skimmer which im sure u dont have ;) and just cause the sailfin has been in there for 2 years doesnt mean he's happy! he can survive yes but its mean and cruel.... its like he was sentance to life in prison (24hr lock down) yea u could survive in prison but by no means does it mean your happy :p


One, you don't have to be a ****.
Two, IMO keeping any animal confined is cruel
Three, I DO have a skimmer
Four, I have correct lighting
Five, it sounds like you have first hand experience of prison.
Six, You can't spell



Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
sry if i came off as harsh but its just gets old .... how bout taking a few steps back and telling us a little about your system ie. lighting,skimmer,flow? have you tested your params? what were the results with that? u sound like u kno exactly what your doing right? than u should be aware that of all anemones the carpet is most dificult to keep!
its cruel to confine an animal so lets see how small of a tank we could fit a fish that is suposed to have a minimum of 90g of swimming room ;) dont get me wrong ive made many similar mistakes when i first got into the hobby and im not saying i kno everything but with the help of this website ive learned enough for me and my reef to be successful! you live and u learn, unfortunatly in this case your inverts prolly wont live :p

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
lets say u do get a hold of the situation your really guna have to keep an eye on things since carpets are notorious for eating fish and the chances of that happening in such a small tank are evn greater....


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
How is it possible to keep a sailfin tang in a 30gal? If you placed that fish in a larger would know what a happy fish actually acted like- not to be rude...but that tank is horribly small for such a fish that loves to swim and needs lots of swimming room

Logically, if you barely maintain the tank as it is..isnt it generally a bad idea to introduce highly sensitive specimens into your tank? Dont you think that is cruel esp when the parameters would not suit these creatures to begin with? Wouldn't it be better to prepare and establish better routine maintenance of the tank in the first place so that you know what you would be in for prior to purchasing these guys? You posted on this forum to get opinions from people and I cant help but point my observations out


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
ouch, I guess I don't need to put in my 2 cents worth. Here is my suggestion so take it however you want.

1. Do a huge water change....say 50%
2. Get rid of (as in trade them in or sell them or give them away) the sailfin tang and the coral beauty and the carpet anemone.....this tank is too small for any one of these let alone all three.....together.....
3. Possibly replace the 2 clarkiis with 2 small ocellaris or perculas because those two clarkiis in such a small tank become or will become territorial dictators down the road and won't allow any other fish in the tank to be happy.
4. You don't say what kind of goby you have but if it is a watchman get a pistol shrimp to pair up with him....they will both be happier for it....and it will add interest that is missing once you get rid of the unsuitable carpet anemone which btw...WILL make lunch of all the fish in your tank eventually......

Good luck and don't be so harsh on people here, it is just that we tend to have no paitence after a while with people making rash decisions which with a little bit of reading they probably wouldn't have made....or they make statements such as my water is perfect but my fish and inverts and corals are dying......hmmmmm sounds perfect to me, not.....

so do tell us more about your tank, ie equipment, set up etc....including brand names. To say you have a skimmer isn't sufficient because if it is an inefficient one you may as well have none.... if you understand what we are saying.

Oh and your water problem is not would probably be nitrates, due to over feeding, no water changes and probably the too high bioload.