Iodine vs. Iodide

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
I'm really confused about this. I have read that adding iodine to your tank will help growth of your corals, however I have also read that Iodide helps corals. If I add one, won't it offset the the other? Currently I only have Polyps/zoos in my tank. Which one should I add if I want to help them out more?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
You really don't need to add it. The only people I hear of adding are those with a tank full of soft corals (leathers, etc.). Even then, it's good to follow the advice of "If you don't test it, don't add it." You can get iodine tests, but you probably won't need to supplement it. There are trace amounts of iodine in your salt mix already, so regular water changes should be enough to keep your corals happy.

+1 on the salt mix having enough... I have been conversing with a reef expert from anotehr forum I am a member of and he has not added iodine to any of his reefs for 30+ years because any necessary amount comes from the salt mix when you do water changes. He also has an opinion on PH/Alk/Mag/Cal which I agree with now that I have been taking water parameters much more seriously.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Most test kits are difficult or will not test accurately for idione in all it's forms (iodine, iodate, and iodide) I am with Lotus, if you cannot accurately test for it don't add it. A frequent and dilligent water change regimen will more than adequately maintain your parameters given your stocking.....

Actually it does make a difference. Most softies need Iodide and will benefit greatly. I
add it every other day and have noticed a bit of a difference. Water changes do not
replace used up trace elements. Water changes only help to get rid of excess waste and
nutrients. Where the added benefit comes from is the type of salt you use. I use Tropic
Marin, which is some of the most stable and best salt out there.

I agree with Lorna for the most part about not adding things you cant test for. But if you
follow the dosing instructions for shouldnt have a problem. I dose it every
other day mon thru fri. I do weekly water changes on Sat and dose C-Balance by Two Little

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Large Fish
Feb 16, 2008
Oceanside, CA
I actually had a few things die due to me not having any iodine in the water. Once I started adding it, you could tell that my corals needed it. They all opened and looked amazing again. I lost a torch and a brain due to my lack of iodine. Or thats at least what the LFS said.

Wont hurt by adding it correctly. Good luck..


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
good article Lotus! There are many articles both pro and con about the addition of trace elements and additives. At this stage with suge low stocking I still think that adequate and frequent water changes will more than meet the tanks demand for these trace elements. Also, on a tank of 20g it would not take much to through these parameters out of whack and thereby cause much more harm than benefit from additions.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Read the article that Lotus refers to, it explains the various forms of iodine found in seawater (there are three) if your test kit doesn't test all three then you could easily be dosing something to the point of overdosing, again.......on your small size of a tank and the stocking you have you don't need to dose any trace elements, just do water changes......

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
The article didn't really help me out much. Currently I don't really do much than the water changes. I do add a two part calcium buffer and some phytoplankton every couple days. Thats about it. Zoos seem to be doing pretty good. Probably don't need to worry about adding any iodine/iodide.