They are commonly kept as a food source in Asia and those that farm-rear them for such purposes say they go 'loco' twice a year, triggered by changes in the season. When the rains start, they want to migrate upriver. When it turns to the dry season, they want to migrate downriver. It is part of their insticts to migrate with the changes in the water levels, and spawning occurs upriver. While trying to go up or downriver, they refuse food, according to what I've read. When they are harvested for food, they either do it before the season changes or several months afterward, as they tend to lose weight/condition while following their instincts to go elsewhere.
You are keeping them in a small tank for their ultimate size. Your tank is 6" long yes? That would make them over 1/6 the length of the tank. These fish, sadly, are sold as cute little 'sharks' and not many know they can grow to 48" in length. Scale it down to a neon size: would a neon tetra at 1" be happy in a 6" long tank? Probably not. Your fish are likely trying to find a way to get up or downriver, and cannot (obviously).
Just my 2cents.