iridescent shark help


Small Fish
Oct 12, 2010
i have two iridescent sharks one about 13" and the other about 11" in my 150 gallon tank. all water parameters test ok and all the other fish in the tank are ok but these two are not doing too hot! They haven't eaten in a week or more and constantly swim back and forth in the front of the tank rubbling their faces on the glass to the point where their eyes are swollen and they are rubbing the flesh off their faces. Im stumped at this point and any help would be fantastic!!!!! AHHH


Medium Fish
Aug 8, 2010
someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think the back and forth along with the damage that comes along with it is a common problem with those guys. just like swiming into the sides and smashing there noses is common with FW baracudas and gars. ? maybe some obsticles low in the front of your tank? It may force them to take a different rout as they swim and keeping it lower will still allow you to see in the tank. Like a rock or drift wood.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Are they getting harassed by other fish? What all do you have in the tank?

Did you maybe change the lighting in your room or put something next to the tank? I have my 29 gal sitting right next to my 10 gal. If I have the lights dimmed in my room and the 29 gal, but leave the lights on for my 10, my gourami will just about kill himself trying to beat up the other gourami in the reflection. Maybe it's something like that?


Small Fish
Oct 12, 2010
i know they aren't getting harassed unless some finger length bluegil and a 3" pleco are ganging up on the big boys when I'm not looking haha but i haven't changed any lighting. and to make a correction they dont swim the whole length of the tank they stay within a foot or so of the corner and go back and forth kinda sparaticly. i feel bad for the poor guys!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I've heard of this happening with ID sharks when they become too cramped in their present tank. You do know that you've got a pair of (literal) tank-busters, right? Iridescent sharks can reach FOUR FEET in length and require 300 gallons OR MORE (preferably site I found recommended a tank of no less than 2000 gallons for ONE of these bad boys).

Iridescent Shark Catfish, Pangasius Catfish
Fish Profile for Iridescent Shark, Pangasius Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, Helicophagus hypophthalmus)
Pangasius Catfish, Pangasius hypophthalmus, Iridescent Shark Catfish, Pangasius sutchi

Feb 27, 2009
They are commonly kept as a food source in Asia and those that farm-rear them for such purposes say they go 'loco' twice a year, triggered by changes in the season. When the rains start, they want to migrate upriver. When it turns to the dry season, they want to migrate downriver. It is part of their insticts to migrate with the changes in the water levels, and spawning occurs upriver. While trying to go up or downriver, they refuse food, according to what I've read. When they are harvested for food, they either do it before the season changes or several months afterward, as they tend to lose weight/condition while following their instincts to go elsewhere.

You are keeping them in a small tank for their ultimate size. Your tank is 6" long yes? That would make them over 1/6 the length of the tank. These fish, sadly, are sold as cute little 'sharks' and not many know they can grow to 48" in length. Scale it down to a neon size: would a neon tetra at 1" be happy in a 6" long tank? Probably not. Your fish are likely trying to find a way to get up or downriver, and cannot (obviously).

Just my 2cents.


Small Fish
Oct 12, 2010
thanks!! the stupid things have never acted like this since i have had the for the past 6 months. they out grew my amigos tank so i took them and they have been doing really good until now