Is a 350gph BIO-wheel too much for a 20g?


Small Fish
May 27, 2005
I have a 200 in my 20G. I was concerned that it is too much for the angel I have in there, but he stays off to the side and I'm moving him to a 30G once the tank cycles. But once he is swimming midtank I do not see him expend any effort to compensate for the current as it seems to be mainly isolated to the top.

I would think the 350 is ok depending on the fish you have in there, but I get my water cycled every 10 minutes with the 200.


New Fish
Feb 20, 2007
i personally have a 350gph filter in a 10 gallon tank with one angelfish and 2 otto. Yes, i know... need a bigger tank and it's in the work. But i do not see my fish having any problems with the 350gph filter vs the 100gph filter i had before.