Is a betta for me?


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Hi All.

Some of the posts on this thread have got me thinking. I want to enter the world of the betta again!

I have kept this fish before in my community tank with,to be honest farily bad results!:(

Now,I wanted to ask some questions. I dont have any more room for a tank,but I could have a "betta bowl". Would I be right in saying that some of you are keeping bettas in bowls without a filter or a heater?:confused:

If this is the case what sort of tank husbandry(is that a word??) is needed? Eg: water changes,gravel vacs ect. Would you put in live plants? Would you put in any snail/shrimp/other small fish (eg ottos)?

Also I see you all have a great variety of bettas what is the best one to get in your opinion?

Any info would be great!!*thumbsup2


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
I keep a crowntail betta in a big vase that measures out to nearly two gallons. I got the vase at a thrift store for two dollars. I have a plastic plant in it, but any kind of ornament the betta can rest on so he isn't always dragging his fins on the substrate would be good. Actually, I just added a clump of java moss, weaving it into the bottom of the plastic plant (until I find something I like to replace the plant), because some betta sites recommend the java moss as a good plant to help the water parameters.
I change out a little bit of water every couple or three days, maybe two or three cups, using water I keep in a jug in the same room so I don't have to worry about temp differences. I do vacuum the substrate every week or ten days with a homemade micro vac I put together from some tubing and a dowel. I may add a snail later. I already have frogs in a ten gallon and I don't want to hand-feed them in more than one tank.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
I do not recommend a little bowl at all. They do not give much space and get dirty quickly. I recommend at least a 2 gallon tank. If you keep the Betta in a closed warm draft free room then a heater is not needed. My Betta does not use a heater but his water temp is 78-79 degress since he lives in my bedroom.

A gentle filter is best but you can go without one as long as you clean his tank often. Eclipse aquariums are a good start if you want to go the filter way.

If you can get a female you can put in a community tank as long as you have docile tankmates for her. Females Betta can be quite Beautiful!

Congrats on deciding on a Betta. Please post pics when you have him (or her!) They all have great personalities.*twirlysmi


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2005
I agree with sweetvegan. Never put a betta in a bowl!! 2gallon tank will be okay.
Female bettas are very nice in community tanks, but every betta has a different personality, so sometimes you can't trust them.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I have a question... what is the difference between a 2g bowl and a 2g tank?

As long as the room is comfortable room temperature, then the betta has no problem unheated. They don't need filtration, since they can breathe air and water changes keep the water clean.


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Thanks for the replys.

One thing to clear up. When I said "betta bowl" I ment a big one eg: 1.5-2g

I dont want to use a filter or a heater as I cant get power to where the bowl is going (my room already has a tank and a pc in it!!)

So can I do it with out power??


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Hi All.

Got my bowl today!!!*SUPERSMIL

It a 2g Brandy glass style. Did not even fill it yet (thats tommrow) as Im going to the pub in a few mins!!!

Still not sure what type of betta to get.................:confused: