is a eheim 2211 overkill for a 25gal?


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I was thinking of getting a Eheim 2211 for my 25 gallon. Currently I have a aquaclear 150 on it and its not doing the job properly. The water isnt as clear as I want it to be. I have a small fluval submersable but I really dont have any more plugs left to put it in. I was thinking of getting a powerhead but they seem to make too much current in the tank. So now I think I want an eheim. I dont know if any of you have seen the new rena filstar canister filters by aquarium pharmaceuticals but we have one at work that they sent us as a demo and they are amazing. And cheaper then Eheim. But we still havent got any in stock. Do you think that a canister filter is over kill on a 25 gallon? Do you think they are worth the price? I get a 20% disscount at work but it still comes out to about $80 for the eheim. I dont really like the fluval canisters. Anyway, what would you do?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
well half the problem is that an ac 150 is too small for a 25 gallon.i wouldn't run a 150 on anything bigger than a 15.i agree with igor.i would get a eheim ecco,the cost is quite resonable from most online retailers and you get the quality of an eheim.if thats a little out of your buget,check out the via aqua series.they are built just like the eheim professionel series and cost about half as and allthingsanimal both have one and so far we both love our via aquas.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
doesnt the new eheim ecco have both the intake and out-put at the top? thats what I hate about the fluvals. What I like about the classic 2211 is that the intake is on the bottom and the out-put is on the top. so all the water gets completly filtered.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
now i don't know about the fluval's but i think on the ecco's it has a seal on the intake side that ensures that the water goes all the way to the bottom then is drawn back up throught the media to prevent any bypass.but i do like the one on top,one on bottom format too.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Don't worry about overkill - as long as the current is ok for your tank. I was setting up a 5 gal holding tank, and used a fluval 203 I had lying around. No worries with cleaning (about every 6 months), and when the time comes to move it onto a bigger tank it won't take long to cycle either.

Can't understand the point about inlet and outlet pipes being top and bottom - on a Fluval can, the water has to go in at the top - through the foam screen, and can then only proceed through the media trays by entering at the bottom and straining up through them to exit at the top (kinda like a "U" shape arrangement).