I was thinking of getting a Eheim 2211 for my 25 gallon. Currently I have a aquaclear 150 on it and its not doing the job properly. The water isnt as clear as I want it to be. I have a small fluval submersable but I really dont have any more plugs left to put it in. I was thinking of getting a powerhead but they seem to make too much current in the tank. So now I think I want an eheim. I dont know if any of you have seen the new rena filstar canister filters by aquarium pharmaceuticals but we have one at work that they sent us as a demo and they are amazing. And cheaper then Eheim. But we still havent got any in stock. Do you think that a canister filter is over kill on a 25 gallon? Do you think they are worth the price? I get a 20% disscount at work but it still comes out to about $80 for the eheim. I dont really like the fluval canisters. Anyway, what would you do?