is feeding a shark salmon bad?


Small Fish
Jul 28, 2008
ok... my marbled cat shark wasnt eating, and i read somewhere that salmon works really well to spark up an appetite, so i went and bought salmon at a local store... EUREKA! the shark is eating it like crazy! (and the same trick worked on my blue dot stingray)... BUT, are there any drawbacks to adding this to their regular diet? ive heard salmon has mercury in it, but is it bad enough to harm the ray and shark? i just wanna make sure...


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
From what i know a lot fo sea food can have mercury in it, and since it is a heavy metal it builds up in the system so eating a lot of it can be bad. So depending on if this salmon has mercury and how much, it could build up in your fish's system. Not sure where you live but is fresh caught? I'm guessing if it is farm raised murcury wouldn't be an issue.

One last thing i think shell fish has more of a change/ higher levels of mecury then fish.


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
Wow accourding to what i herd that Salmon is bad in general to feed to fish. U could feed him vitamin soaked silversides as a staple which is really healthy in general for large predators esp your lions and eel.
Also a 150 is to small to house a 3 foot fish in general. Look in 300+ gallons for a upgrade.