my betta (who is about 2 years old now so no spring chicken) has just started lying on his side at the top of the tank. there's some floating weed there and he just lies on it not moving. is there anything i can do for him or is he just dying of old age?
has the water tem gone down??colder water will slow him down
and is all the perameters in check?
is he eating?
how long has been lyk this?
you dont know how old he was when u bought him so mayb it IS just old age...ive only had mine for a year tho so itl b best to wait for an expert!if you answer those questions tho im sure itl help figure out whats wrong
the water temperature is the same as normal, i can't check the perameters at the moment because my kit has run out and i haven't been able to get a new one because my LFS is useless at the moment, he's still eating, but he's been getting steadily worse for a few months now. he also doesn't seem to be able to stay the right way up for long so it looks like his swim bladder's gone as well
Sorry, man. sounds to me like ur betta is about to kick the bucket. same thing happened a few months ago to me, with saphire, my old (five year) male betta.