is it okay


Medium Fish
Mar 19, 2010
Is it okay to put dirt from outside in your fish tank. I read that if your dirt can grow veggies it can be put in a aquarium. Is dirt from outside bad. I was thinking about getting some dirt from the shaded side of my house where the soil is moist all the time and dark brown in color this soil is rich in nutrients because I grew multiple watermelons there year after year. This soil also has bunches of worms and worms give soil nutrients.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
If there's ever been pesticides used on the soil, it won't be safe for your fish. I've *heard* that you can get organic potting soil without pesticides from a local garden store and use that, but don't quote me. I think you're probably better off just getting Flourite or some other type of aquarium plant substrate and using that.


Large Fish
Oct 21, 2009
a number of users of this site use pool filter sand or play sand (from lowes or home depot) as substrate in their tank. I just have small gravel and my crypts and hygro seem to do just fine in it.

Feb 27, 2009
You can use soil in aquariums if you are careful of what you are using. Your own dirt CAN work, but no worms in it! You want to screen it for any big pieces of organic material, no sticks or leaves. Use 1inch of soil and cap it with 1 inch of sand or gravel.

If you are seriously considering this, look for Diana Walstad's methods. I follow what she suggests and have had no problems in the two Natural Planted Tanks (or El Natuaral as she calls it) I've started. I used MiracleGro's Organic Choice Potting Soil (NOT potting mix). You can also use topsoil. Just make sure what you use has NO fertilzers or 'wetting agents' in it.

Just my 2cents.