Is it possible


Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
Visit site
that the new food is too hard for them? The flakes are probably softer and they can eat it, while the pellets take a bit to soften up in the water. I know when I give my fish pellets, the pellets usually sink to the bottom and stay there a while and after an hour the fish go down there and eat them. Just my opiinion though.

Feb 18, 2003
Durham, NC
That is normal for the pellet food to do that. It's I think more designed for the bottom feeders. Since the other fish won't be able to eat it right away they will usually dismiss it and move on. At least mine are like that. But I usually feed the bottom feeders at night with the lights out. It gives them more of a chance to get the food. A big enough fish though will eat the pellet right away. Or if a smaller fish has enough guts to open their mouth wide enough they will.