is my bolivian ram sick?

Oct 26, 2004
san francisco
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my 29G had 2 blood parrots and 1 pictus cat. one week ago, i added two bolivian rams. they seem to get along ok. the smaller of the brams chases the larger one around and limits him (her?) to the BP side of the tank. the BPs don't seem to mind. sometimes the brams meet halfway and "kiss" in the middle if they happen to be close to each other while foraging for food. actually, it's more like jousting than kissing. i've seen the BPs engage in this type of behavior too. also, i just noticed today this smaller bram actually nipping at the BPs. this is kinda funny cuz the BPs are 6" and the bram is 2.5". this is a feisty bram! is this typical bram behavior?

also, the feisty bram appears to have a damaged/infected gill. the gill opening seems like it's torn and is bright red inside. other than that he/she seems to act normally, i.e. eating and swimming ok. here are some pics. please note the gill opening on the smaller bram.

any ideas on what this is and how to treat? do i even have a problem? none of the other fish are exhibiting any symptoms of any kind.