Is my Dwarf Gourami just crazy or is something wrong

Jun 24, 2009
I just got a Dwarf Gourarmi this past weekend. I grabbed the one from the LFS that looked in the best shape and the healthiest. I slowly acclimated him to the tank and haven't had any problems. Since this time the little guy has constantly been swimming in a pretty rapid manner. He swims circles and bobs up to the surface and back down to the bottom. Not just a few time, constantly non stop until I turn off all the lights and go to bed, where I find him finally in a resting position the next morning. My question this normal behavior?? Is he lonely, stressed or is he just a crazy fish. Don't get me wrong it is pretty entertaining, but just curious. Thanks guys...and gals.

Jun 24, 2009
Thanks for the response.
I did read up on them prior to buying. I have seen him swim around and head to the surface and then swim around again, but the behavior I am talking about is rapid swimming in loops...loop after loop. Not breaking the surface, just swimming in circles very fast. It looks like he is going crazy. At first I thought it was just because he was happy to get out of that cramped tank w/ all the other beat up Gouramis but now its got me wondering. Maybe he is just happy but I wanted to get feedback from yall that have gouramis on what is the normal behavior/swimming patterns for them. For instance my rummynose dart around the tank together, I know that is normal. If they started being lethargic or hanging near the surface all the time I would start worrying about them or thinking something is wrong w/ my tank. Thanks again for the feeback.


Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
Could be stress or maybe he's showing off for a female even if there isn't one there.

Is he swimming in circles or tumbling in circles? Tumbling would be a bad sign.

Jun 24, 2009
No he isn't tumbling, it seems like he is controlling himself. He swims up quickly and just slowly floats back down to the bottom and swims back up again..over and over.

I guessing it might be a stress thing too...I am now noticing that he only does it when the light is on in the tank.

Maybe I need a couple of more plants in there to help settle his nerves when the light is.

Jun 24, 2009
Yeah. I have a couple of tall ones that reach to the surface and he does rest in them when he isn't spazzing out, but maybe a couple more that are thicker will make him feel more secure when the "spot light" is on him. Either way I love the thing. Beautiful fish. Hopefully he continues to settle in before I get my blue rams. I don't want to stress him out even more. Thanks for the input!!!!

Feb 27, 2009
At first I thought it was just because he was happy to get out of that cramped tank w/ all the other beat up Gouramis but now its got me wondering.
If he was the healthiest one in a cramped tank and all the others looked beat up, it is likely you got the alpha of the group. He doesn't have anyone to pick on anymore and he's just making sure it stays that way by patroling his territory.

They can be fun to watch. The antics will likely slow down as he settles in, but not completely disappear. Floating plants (weather alive or fake) or tall plants that almost reach the surface is what they normally will rest in. I had one that slept in tall plants, always picked a spot that allowed him to be 'king of the mountain.' Probably wanted to be close to the surface since they breathe air.