Is my guppy ok?

May 4, 2011
I recently started up my 40 gal and began cycling it with a female guppy and 2 fry, nothing in it both those fish, a medium cave and 20 lbs of TMS black.

I seeded the tank and waited a day before testing the water and adding her, she seemed ok for the first 2 days but now she is hiding in the upper corner by the heater, opposite side of the aquarium is the cave. I keep my thermometer as far from the heater as I can and it reads about 75F, so she can't be cold. I assumed she was stressed from being alone, since the fry seemed to school a bit and she was starting to hide by herself.

I introduced my other female into the tank, after testing the water and the first female began harassing her to the point that she would not come out of the cave, she would not only chase but she would hover next to her and move closer and closer pushing her sideways. Is this a dominance or territorial thing or is she aggressive? They were housed together in my 29 and never seemed to fight. So why is she doing this and then retreating to her heater corner?:confused:

Any idea what is going on? She also nips at the fry some times, but they are too big for her to eat.

May 4, 2011
I only have the ammonia strips, buying a master test kit soon. The strip reads about .25, about the same as my tap water so I think the strips are just a little unreliable, maybe I will do a water change later but I had the same thought, a few guppies in 40 gal would be a while to foul the water.

Nov 9, 2010
I have the same problems with mollies and guppies. Checked my water temp, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, pH all within normal ranges. I ended up adding a little aquarium salt to the tank and viola problem solved! I also noticed that my tetras like a little salt in thier tank as well?! I thought it might be that I got a bad/sick fish at first but I bought a book on freshwater and saltwater fish that suggested adding aquarium salt so that is why I decided on trying to see if it would help. Just follow the directions on the box that you buy. Hope this helps!!

May 4, 2011
Just tested with my new kit, Ammonia was .5 ppm, Nitrite was 0 ppm, Nitrate was about 10 ppm, and my guppy that was being bullied has a tear in her dorsal. Added another albino cory last night, could that be the spikes? Going to do another water change tomorrow.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
About the sideways pairing behavior you mentioned, my Platy fry do that. They siddle up nex tot each other and one will slap the other in the face with its tail, they'll both swim off and everything will be fine for the next couple days. I think it's just a dominance thing. But I have my female Mickey mouse Platy in a 10 gallon by herself, besides the fry and Ghost Shrimp (I would update my sig, but it won't let me. It's just says that i'm not signed in. Grr!!) and she has some torn fins from the other female. She's very aggressive and she just doesn't get along with my female MM Platy. I don't know why, but she hates her. Besides those two, they get along great with all the other fish.

May 4, 2011
Ok my blonde guppy who turned aggressive had a gravid spot up to her spine and will not let me black phantom eat now. She is chasing her all over the tank when she is not floating in a corner by herself.

I'm going to add more hiding spots maybe that will calm her down, my black phantom is pregnant and has been holding fry she has to have been pregnant for at least 5 weeks now and she is getting harassed.