Is my Lighting too strong?


Medium Fish
Feb 24, 2004
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Hi All,

I keep 2 clownfishes about an inch long each in a 14.5 gallon tank. Recently I've decided to start keeping coral in it. So I installed a 36 watts power compact fluorescent, with 10,000K/actinic tube. When I switch it on the 2 clownfishes seem preety freak out and start charging everywhere.

Here's the question:
1. Is the lighting too strong? or
2. They will get adjusted after sometimes?


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just an idea to help them get used to it is boosting the lights higher up off the tank to lower the intensity of the light in the tank for a bit so they can get used to it. Sometimes I've had fish that would freak out when the lights were switched on so I would angle the lights away from the tank, turn in on and then put the lights back on the tank slowly so it wouldnt be a suddon shot of light.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
NO...stick with the stronger light. If your corals could talk they would thank you. I wouldn't worry about the clowns. They will get over the increase in light in a few days.

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