Is my Red Wag Platy Due soon

Mar 24, 2015
Okay so here is the story, I got Max and Ruby on the 21 of January, and then got 3 more females, I had them in a 10 gallon tank, started having issues lost the 3 females so I was back to Max and Ruby, Got a 46 gallon tank with some guppys, cycled that tank and moved Max and Ruby in, alls good in the tank lots of Guppy babys, I only remove the babies to another tank due to my fish aint eating them anyway so I will raise them and just keep the ones I want, when I tore down the 10 gallon I found a platy fry, maybe about a day old, that was the 17th of February, nothing so far since then, and like I said my babies swim right in the total view of the adults and they do nothing against the babies in fact I have had 6 1-week old molly fry in the main tank and they are now 3 weeks old, so its now been 5 weeks is she ever going to have her babies, I know I should have more female platys to the male but the last female I got died 3 days after I got her and she was quite active when I got her. My PH is 7.0, Ammonia is 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5.0, so why hasn't she had babies. 001.jpg 001-1.jpg 002.jpg 003.jpg

Mar 24, 2015
This isn't my blog, im trying to get answers but never seem to see anyone online so I changed blogs, I would check out fishlore if you want actual answers

Mar 24, 2015
I have a male and 3 females, 2 have never looked pregnant and the one that does has never had any change and there aren't any fry, I cant say with 100% resolve that she doesn't eat her fry but the fact that she has never chased the guppy fry and that I have been forced to get a gourami to drop their numbers (I have over 60 guppy fry that are ages 2months to 1 week old and not one has been touched by parents or other fish in the tank, as the 2 platy females are new if they do not appear to be pregnant soon I will assume my male is sterile or usless, and as for the other female, she is just lucky I don't send her to her own solo tank to see if she has any babies and keep her there until I am certain she is not pregnant, I did not want platys, I prefer guppys, but my kids liked her, she is the size of my gourami and almost double the males size were he and the 2 females are 1-1 1/2 inches she is pushing 2 - 2 1/2 inches and has a girth of 1/2 an inch she is huge, I have had her for 3 months and I haven't seen any fry, and with the survival of the guppy babies I thought that if she birthed thered be at least 1 survivor, I have a picture of her swimming with a 1 week old guppy fry at feeding time and she did not care that it was there