Is my tank cycling again


Large Fish
Nov 30, 2006
OK the 5 gall tank is going off the charts right now.. Since the I put the white clouds in there the numbers have been changing. As I stated before the nitrates, nitrites and ammonia were all 0. Now on Saturday I tested the water and nitrates and nitrites were still at 0 but the ammonia jumped to 2. I did a partial water change and retested the water on Monday night. Last night it was at 4 and I added some Ammolock to the water.. This morning I saw that the tank was very cloudy so I did another water change. This time it was 50%. I did a water test and this is what I had.

Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
Ammonia has jumped to 8. :(

Im afraid for the critters in the tank and I am very close to moving them into the 29 gal. Only thing is that tank has only been set up since Sunday and is no where near being cycled yet. But I want to get the fish out of that ammonia.. Can someone give me some advice on what to do?

I have 4 white clouds, 1 adf and 2 mystery snails in this tank.. Is it possibly overstocked?


Superstar Fish
Feb 18, 2004
East-Central Illinois
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White clouds need 10g.
Now that that's been said, the addition of the fish may have overwhelmed the limited amount of bacteria.
The bacteria was in a colony to support the pre-fish addition and now has to enlarge to handle them.
And, yes, the 5g is overstocked.:)


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Well, either way they're going to be exposed to too much ammonia. If you leave them where they are you have to keep changing water to keep the ammonia down below 1.

What are you planning on doing with the 29? Would they be staying there? I would move the white clouds, at least, and maybe the mystery snails too, since they are heavy waste producers.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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If you're as desperate at you seem to be - you could try something called aquamel +

It's a water conditioner, that says it locks down ammonia nitrite and nitrate

I don't normally recommend lockdown additives - but if it saves you some losses - then go for it .... (and post your results - I'd like to know how you get on)


Large Fish
Nov 30, 2006
Well for the 29 gallon I wanted to make it a community tank and I am adding live plants to that one. As far as the fish goes I wanted Diamond tetras and some gouramis and I saw some real pretty black tetras. I bought some Bio Spira for the 29 gal so hopefully I can safely move the other fish into that tank until I figure out whats up with the 5 gallon. I wanted to keep the frog and the snail in the 5 gallon though..

Anyone have any ideas on some other fish I can possibly through in there?

As for the lockdown additives I tried ammolock and thats just not working at all. If anything I will just do a complete water change when I move the other fish..