Is My tank over crowded?

Jun 30, 2010
Hi I have a 75 gallon oceanic tank with 2 firemouths (2") 1 pleco(3") 2 black fin sharks (2.5"), 3 blood parrots(3") 3 tiger barbs(1"), 5 convicts from 2-5", 1 green Severum (2") and 2 kenyi african's(2") My tank is pretty peaceful they have lots of rock, caves, clay pots, drift wood and plants and sand bottom to play and hide in. I have seen no aggression from any of these other than an occasional chase if soemone tries to move in an occupied home but am worried about it being over populated. as I know several of these will get very big. this tank has been up and going over a year a couple of fish were just rescued recently from a pet store that partially burned( the 2 africans and the sharks) . my levels stay in the correct ranges and i perform a water change weekly. Any info will be great. thanks J


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
The only ones I'd be concerned about are the pleco and black tips, they'll eventually grow a bit too large.

Also, convicts are extremely aggressive. I'd definitely keep an eye on the cichlids in there from now on as they grow and start moving/rehoming if they get too aggressive (which is quite likely).

Jun 30, 2010
thanks for the info. I have a 40 gallon on standby if i need to bring it out. the cichlids are doing really well right now and i know my waters are a little off in the ph for the africans but they were a rescue and so i do plan on giving them a new home soon. also i'm planning on giving the 3 tiger barbs and a female convict to my neighbor. I will defenitely keep watch on the pleco and sharks i know they are really small right now but they will grow quickly.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
That is true, but I think the tank is an appropriate size for them long-term, whereas it is not for the pleco and sharks, and possibly the aggression of 5 convicts.

You could easily keep a pair of convicts in the 40 but you might not get anything else in there, if you're thinking about spreading them out.