Is my tank overfilled?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
No but don't add anything, The guppies will overpopulate the tank if you aren't careful and get rid of the fry. The only other change I would make is for you to pick a tetra or 2 and get a proper school of them (at least 6).

LOL man that is a busy tank


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
one suggestion, maybe you could take back 2 of your tetra schools (maybe neons + black widows, for instance)... and get 2-3 more of your final school of tetras, and a nice gourami as a centerpiece fish instead. ;)

You have 4 Types of schooling fish. Most tanks look best with 1 type of schooler. Then you have a "school" of platys.

6 Platys-2.5" x 6= 15"
3 Guppies-1.5" x 3= 4.5"
4 Phantom Tetras- 2" x 4= 8"
4 Black Widow Tetras- 2" x 4= 8"
3 Neon Tetras-1.5" x 3= 4.5"
4 Glowlight Tetras-1.5" x 4= 6"
2 Zebra Loaches-4" x 2= 8"
2 Corys-2.5" x 2= 5"

Thats 59" of Adult fish. I would go for something like this:

3 Platys or Guppies
8 or 9 Neon Tetras or Glow Lite Tetras
4 Corys
Dwarf Gourami

I think this would be the most efficient for you. This is why:

Phantom Tetras- Attractive, yes, peaceful, with a large school. I find that 6 or 7 of them do very well with almost any fish. 4 You may experiece troubles as they are fin Nippers. They get to about 2" in size as well, and they are active fish.
Black Widow Tetras-Active and attractive but mean fin nippers. I would have to say that Black Skirts are one of the most fin nippiest fish I have ever owned. But if in a large school they wont be so bad.
Zebra Loaches- You would need about 5 or 6 for them to be happy. at 4" You would have your tank filled up to the max bioload. And even small loaches should be in a minimum of 30g's to ensure them being happy.

Heres the thing, if you think the tank loks good with all these fish. Take back all but one schooler, leave a few platys or guppies, add a dwarf Gourami, up your cory group and you would be amazed at the beauty these fish have.


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
James - 2.5 inches for a platy!!?? wow that would be some hugggggggge platy

yes you are overstocked, but i think its manageable. For instance, look at my 10gal. Its HEAVILY overstocked but i keep up on my w/c's and test my water alot. Havent had a prob yet and everything is fine :)
so you can take back a few fish if you feel it is needed, but IMO your fine :)

I think some people worry way too much about overstocking.

James - 2.5 inches for a platy!!?? wow that would be some hugggggggge platy

yes you are overstocked, but i think its manageable. For instance, look at my 10gal. Its HEAVILY overstocked but i keep up on my w/c's and test my water alot. Havent had a prob yet and everything is fine :)
so you can take back a few fish if you feel it is needed, but IMO your fine :)

I think some people worry way too much about overstocking.

That was my largest female and all of the males came out roughly 2-2.5 inches and actually that is max size for them I believe.

The only problem is that s/he has alot of schooling fish. For instance the Zebra Loaches. They need 5 or more. Wont work in the tank of that size. Most tanks look better with one school of fish and that was my suggestion.

I am an overstocker for life. I am even currently overstocking one of my 10's as it is. But the important thing is know your limits.


Large Fish
Jun 6, 2006
New England
The size of platies does seem to vary wildly. Mine are about 1-1.5" at MOST and are fully grown. My female swordtail is just under 2" and she's fully grown as well.

They sure do produce more than their share of waste, though.

Feb 1, 2007
Thanks all

Thanks James. I actually lost a cory lastnight - R.I.P.
Sound like a plan. What size are adult dwarf gourami? are they a peacful fish? do i need to keep a few of them or is one enough?
Thanks again


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Over rated, but a good guideline. Yes, you can overstock a tank if you know what you're doing and how to maintain the water params. BUT, this tank is past the stage where water parameters are what's important, this is at the point where the fish probably don't have enough room to swim around normally. That's unfair to the fish, they don't deserve to live out their lives in cramped conditions. As I said before, get rid of a few schools of tetra.

littlejack said:
Thanks James. I actually lost a cory lastnight - R.I.P.
Sound like a plan. What size are adult dwarf gourami? are they a peacful fish? do i need to keep a few of them or is one enough?
Thanks again
They get to 2". Peaceful as in can be kept with community fish. One would be good. Just do 30% wc's weekly, watch your parameters, and be careful on what you add to the tank as far as chemicals. ADD FISH SLOWLY TOO!;)

Cichlid Man- Yes overated but like Miss Fishy said its a good guideline, to an extent. I think that for a beginner that want smaller fish than they need to follow the guide line. But if they wanted to start up a 110 gallon tank and want to have Oscars then they need to do more research.

MissFishy- Agreed.