Hi, I'am 14 and new to this aquarium thing, even though i have been doing it since last year almost exactly. My dad does help me out a ton because he used to have a 55 Gal. Saltwater tank which he got rid of because I wasn't into it back then But he does know a lot about fish and Aquariums. But i do want some other people's opinion on my current 20 Gal. Long Setup. No, i'am sorry i don't have any pics, but i will describe it the best i can to you.
20 Gal. Long
3 Zebra Danio's
2 Blue Gourmies
1 Red-tail Shark(only about 1 1/2 long)
5 Tiger Barbs
2 Female Red Swordtails
1 Oto(plan to get 2-4 more someone please comment on how many)
I have an Undergravel Filter with the tube going out and the bubbles coming up. Sorry, i'am not really sure what that is called if someone could tell me i would really appreciate it.
I Also have a Penguin 300 Bio-wheel filter I know it is kind of big but it was from my dad's 55 Gal. Saltwater tank.
I have Blue rocks, and i mixed in some crushed coral to make it look cool, and it hasn't really raised the pH balance or anything.
I have a Visa-Therm 300 Watt Heater. Tank Temperature at 75-76 Degrees.
I have Live Plants which are, 3 Amazon Swords, and 4 Anarchies.
Last, i have a Full Deluxe Hood with a newly bought 20 watt Hagen "Power-Glo" Fluorescent Bulb.
Well, That is all that i Can think of Right now, if there is any other information that you need please ask, and please comment, i am open to anything.
Sorry it is such a long post but Please, Please Comment on my tank.
Thanks a million! *twirlysmi
20 Gal. Long
3 Zebra Danio's
2 Blue Gourmies
1 Red-tail Shark(only about 1 1/2 long)
5 Tiger Barbs
2 Female Red Swordtails
1 Oto(plan to get 2-4 more someone please comment on how many)
I have an Undergravel Filter with the tube going out and the bubbles coming up. Sorry, i'am not really sure what that is called if someone could tell me i would really appreciate it.
I Also have a Penguin 300 Bio-wheel filter I know it is kind of big but it was from my dad's 55 Gal. Saltwater tank.
I have Blue rocks, and i mixed in some crushed coral to make it look cool, and it hasn't really raised the pH balance or anything.
I have a Visa-Therm 300 Watt Heater. Tank Temperature at 75-76 Degrees.
I have Live Plants which are, 3 Amazon Swords, and 4 Anarchies.
Last, i have a Full Deluxe Hood with a newly bought 20 watt Hagen "Power-Glo" Fluorescent Bulb.
Well, That is all that i Can think of Right now, if there is any other information that you need please ask, and please comment, i am open to anything.
Sorry it is such a long post but Please, Please Comment on my tank.
Thanks a million! *twirlysmi