Is this Angelfish Healthy?

Aug 4, 2008
Looking closely at my Angelfish it looks like his fins are melting?

Is this normal? Quick google search and all those angelfish pics have full fins. Mine doesn't. Curious as to what may cause this? It doesn't look like "bites" are being taken out of the fins, and close inspection of the other fishes fins, only the angelfish fins look like this.

This fish always has an appetite, moves around the tank freely, I never see him being chased by other fish (he is the biggest in the tank other than the common pleco.)



Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
'Melting Fins' I would check you water parameters, I would think it would have something to do with poor water quality. And even if he isn't being chased by other fish, they could still be nipping at his fins. You might try melafix/pimafix treatment, hopefully it gets better.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Actually looking at the picture, yes that fish is healthy. His "crown tail" look is just a genetic trait. I don't see that very often but it is natural.

You only need to be concerned if you notice the fins getting smaller over time. Fin rot is pretty aggressive and doesn't take long to decimate the fins of your fish if left untreated. In other words..if he was sick his fins should look like crap by now.

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Yes, I would have to agree with Pure on this. I have a black angel that has a hole in one of his fins. Not too big of a hole, about the size of a pin head. I got him that way from my LFS over a year ago. It's kind of neat and makes him more unique looking. Genetic traits can be a good thing.