is this filter good for me?


Small Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Corner Brook, NL, Canada


Large Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Long Island, NY
Well, that would basically give your tank a turnover rate of 2X per hour. Personally, I wouldn't go down that route alone. Perhaps think of adding a HOB to it also. I've often found canister filters to lose their flow, especially when getting clogged with debris or wastes. So after time, that 170 gph will decline giving you much less than a nominal filtration turnover rate.


Large Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Long Island, NY
That should be a good addition, it will add some more filtration, biological capacity, circulation and water agitation. An additional idea can be adding a powerhead to make certain of no stagnant areas in the tank.


Small Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Corner Brook, NL, Canada
yah thats a good idea aswell......

i was just talking to my LFS at lunch time and the lady (who supposedly is "experienced " with fish keeping) said that i should be very careful not to "overoxygenate" my tank by over filtration because it can cause "poppy eyed" fish or this BS??

also what does HOB stand for?, sorry

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Small Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Corner Brook, NL, Canada
bigredspecial said:
You can put all the filters you want on there, you still won't equal the amount of oxygen in rivers and brooks; fish live in them pretty well - she's full of it.
thanks.....i was going to say that to her too, " so my tank is going to have more oxygen and more filtration than a river????....and that is BAD for the fish???"

ok good thing it isn't just me thinking this was weird.... thanks guys!

by the way "bigred special" i am from Corner Brook......this LFS was pet city here locally

where do you think the best place in SJ is to get (probably have to order some) African cichlids (Mbuna)

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where do you think the best place in SJ is to get (probably have to order some) African cichlids (Mbuna)
There isn't a lot out here either; I expected much more when I moved here(From Central) last spring. Pet City is a joke wherever it is, IMHO.

The only real places for cichlids are Pets Unlimited(the walmart of fish; interpret that however you like;)), And Tropical and Marine Pets, but they don't keep a whole lot stocked(But they're usually pretty good about ordering in).

The only place I'm actually impressed with here is Esan Aquatics, which is unfortunately salt water only; I'm trying to persuade them into fresh as well. Excellent stock, excellent prices(They have no middle man), and the first people I've ever seen in a LFS that knew more than me(Not saying I know a lot, but most of these people are morons).


Large Fish
Mar 18, 2005
Memphis, TN
I run two XP3s on my 135 Gallon. Once you get them primed with all the air out they are virtually silent. I have the tank in my bedroom and with the doors closed on the cabinet I can't hear them at all. With the cabinet open there is a very slight buzz (my computer is louder).

I like the choices in output, you can have a spray bar, powerhead, install a valve to adjust the output, different length and angles of pipe to make the output anywhere you want. The input tube comes with extenstions that almost reach to the bottom of my tank (24" deep).

Accessing the filter media is a piece of cake. You lift a lever and it seals the tubing so no water comes out. Then you can take the canister to the sink for whatever maintanance.

One thing I didn't like was the lack of biological media. I bought some ceramic rings from the LFS though. The XP3 holds a LOT of media. I run 3 sponge filters, 2 bags of ceramics, and a fine mesh micro filter to get anything the got through the other stuff.

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Large Fish
Jun 27, 2005
fI$H_fAcE said:
i was just talking to my LFS at lunch time and the lady (who supposedly is "experienced " with fish keeping) said that i should be very careful not to "overoxygenate" my tank by over filtration because it can cause "poppy eyed" fish or this BS??
I think she was talking about Gas Bubble Disease which is caused by saturated gases in your water,not necessarily oxygen alone.It would affect you more when you do a large water change and go from old,seasoned,water to new stuff.The tap water has way more dissolved gas than tank water.It's why you should let a tank settle for a couple of days when it's new before you put fish in.Anyone who's done a new tank has seen all the bubbles coat the tank sides.
You shouldn't get that just from filtering your water too much or from using airstones aslong as the the bubbles aren't to small.