Is this good or bad?

First thing is what kind of tetras are you talking about? Secondly, do you have experience with discus? Thirdly, discus don't live in the same water conditions as the rest of those fish, they need warm water. I personally would out the discuss and stick w/ rams. Discus are a lot of work especially if you don't particularly know what your doing. And yes get ottos. Personally I would throw in 18 or 20 rather than 3. They're too small to really be noticed unless in large numbers and they don't really make a dent in the algae unless you have a bunch. I have 16 in a 60 gallon... no algae here. Otherwise the setup looks good.

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
I agree with fishy, out the discus and get some rams.

Personally I would get more angels and have them be the "main" fish in the tank. But then you wouldhave to get a lot more to avoid fighting when they pair off. So it yours choice.

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
well I'm trying a very similar setup (add 2 discus and an oto to the 55g in my sig)

I'm waiting til it's fully planted and the driftwood has had time to buffer the pH properly before I add the discus.

I keep my water temp at 83.2°F, these fish are thriving and have great color.

I wouldn't try your setup without heavy planting and a good filter though, and keep in mind you'll still be doing water changes twice a week to keep your discus happy.

(edit) I've been told by someone I really respect on another board that 1 oto in a 55 will actually do the whole job himself. Personally I've seen 1 oto keep a 20 clean alone, and suggested to the owner to supplement with algae wafers.

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