is this ich or just a stressed out clown loach


Small Fish
Sep 12, 2010
ok so i just got a clown loach from pet supermarket today he seemed happy and healthy in the store but i just noticed he has little white spots on him and if it is ich i need to know how to cure it and i have red tailed shark and i heard ich products will kill them i need help i love my clown loach and i dont want him to die...:(

Feb 27, 2009
If you are seeing dots, likely its ich.

Is your tank cycled? Can you post the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? Were the fish you have added all at once or over time? You mentioned Serpa Tetras before, but they are not in the list anymore.

The tank seemed quite a bit overstocked, with too many of some species together and incomplete shoals of others. What is your water change schedule like?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
The easiest way to treat ick is to gradually crank your temperature up to 85-86F and leave it there for a couple of weeks. Do every other day water changes (about 10% or so), making sure to vacuum your gravel REALLY well each time you do a water change. This will ensure that the ick spores that have fallen off your fish won't be around to re-infect them. Generally after two weeks, the heat will have killed all the ick in the tank and you'll be okay to lower the temperature back to normal. If you want, you can add a tiny bit of aquarium salt to help the process along, but I wouldn't add too much because of your cory. I think the rule of thumb with fish like cories is 1 teaspoon for every 5 gallons of water.

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Small Fish
Sep 12, 2010
i had to get rid of my tetras they were way to aggresive and i got the water tested its fine i think it might have had ich at the store and my water change schedual is like once every 2 weeks and i am getting my red eyed tetra school completed and yes its cycled (the one fish i didnt check for ich:mad:)(thinking of starting my tank over had a really bad start:()

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Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Kooling, how is your tank cycled if you've only had it a week? Was it someone else's before? Just wondering, because cycling a tank usually takes a few weeks, whether with fish or not . . . . Just because your fish store says the water is 'fine' doesn't always mean that, unfortunately. Can you get the store to write down the exact readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate???
I think starting over might be exactly the right thing to do. I'm sure members here would love to help you with good stocking suggestions.
It's super that you are so enthusiastic about keeping fish!

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Pet stores can't be trusted and they'll tell you your readings are fine even if they aren't. Pet stores want you to buy more and more fish even if your water is unsafe, so that when your fish die, you will come running back to the store to buy more.
You need a liquid test kit for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite so that you don't have to rely on the store every single time you need to test your water.
I would get rid of all of your fish and do a fishless cycle. Cycling takes 2-4 weeks and there's no way it cycled in 1 week unless it's an old tank that's been set up and previously cycled.


Small Fish
Sep 12, 2010
thank you everyone i think this might help a little i but an object from an established tank into mine and i think that that will help the cycle alittle im getting a heater soon so that may help the ich thank you all *celebrate


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
An object from an established tank will help but filter media from an established tank will be much more helpful in the cycling process. Even with objects/media from established tanks it could still take time to cycle your tank. Getting a heater is a great idea and your right it should really help with the ick but you still need to vacuum your gravel thoroughly!

Best of luck!


Small Fish
Sep 12, 2010
alot of my fish just died randomly all i have now are 2 anglefish juvies 1 red tailed shark and a clown loach and peppered cory catfish

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
Like I said in your other thread-Do you know what the ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrites are? Either way you should be doing massive daily water changes to save what fish you have left.

Another thing you need you need to think about is a QT tank, but we can go over that after we get you current situation resolved. To be a responsible fish keeper you need all the equipment and a heater is certainly something you should have and now need to try to save your remaining fish.

Also do not even think about adding anything else to the tank until all your fish are healthy.