Is this ok?

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
hehe, just an observation, but you have 3 rams listed in your sig =P

Timster - Rams are the coolest fish I have ever kept, I always recommend them whenever I get the chance. In a 30 gallon I would recommend 1 male and 2 or 3 females. The thing to watch out for with rams is your water quality. I do weekly 25% water changes myself.

I've kept blue gouramis as well, but not WITH rams. I imagine you'll see small skirmishes over territory, possibly, but as a gourami tends to hang out up top, and a ram tends to hang around the bottom, it should be fine. I've never kept barbs and the little I've heard about them is that the normal "tiger" color morph can tend to be a fin-nipper, while the "green" morph tends to be calmer and less mischevious.

I'd say you're on the right track though, and you could even add some other species as well, some type of scavenger like corys or the like, maybe 2 or 3 dwarf gouramis, or whatever you like ;)


Medium Fish
Apr 6, 2003
Yarmouth, N.S.
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I was waiting for that. hehe... I had four, and they all seemed to pair off... then I lost one of my Rams, and one of them is always a loner.... looks terrible, bad colors... That's why I recommend no odd numbers. :) I love Rams though. There's a Cichlid out there for any kind of tank.