Is this old age?


Small Fish
May 18, 2006

I was just curious about my gold Gouramis. She has been sleeping a lot recently. Might sound strange, but often she'll just go settle on the bottom (quite happy looking) and have a nap. Several times during the day, I'm sure most fish snooze during the day but I've not noticed it this often before. She still swims around fine and looks fine. She is still eating fine, but will less force than she used to. It's almost as if she's just slowing down...

What do you think? Do fish die of old age like people do or do they have to die as a result of a disease? Or some identified illness.

I actually don't know how old she is as I got her fully grown.

by the way, tank parameters are normal. As is temp. I do have fin rot going on but she seems unaffected.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
They do die of old age, but a lot of people don't see it because they don't provide good enough care for the fish to make it that long. They will slow down a bit and rest more as they get elderly, much like people do.