Is this plastic container with lid OK to have two guppy fry in for a few weeks?

Aug 4, 2011
fish tank desk.jpg
Is this plastic container with lid OK to have two guppy fry in for a few weeks? I take the lid off a few times a day. But people in my office keep crying "They need air, they need air! Why is there a lid, they need air!!?" But I dont understand the big deal. I open it frequently and change the water etc...

Last edited:
Feb 27, 2009
If you do at least 3x a week 50% water changes, they should be ok. No solid lid though. If you can get netting or a small screen, use that, wrap a rubberband around the lip of the jar. The only reason to have a lid would be for moving the 'tank' so it doesn't slosh around. The surface is not near the top so should be no worry of any jumping out.