Is this tank ok?

I think you could get away with 2 frogs, 1 definately, but wih two youll have to keep your part up on warer changes and maintenance. And yes the tank shoul dbe fine. The rule is 5 watts per gallon i think, but i dont think you can overdo a heater, you may want a smaller one like a 25 but if its in warm room, dont worry about a heater since the tank so small


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
That tank is fine for a betta and one dwarf frog, maybe two. A 25 Watt heater would be better, since the tank is plastic and you wouldn't want to melt it. You'd want to make sure the glass of the heater doesn't touch the plastic of the aquarium side (use those little heater suction cup things to keep it pushed off the tank wall).


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Well, actually... no need to let the tank set empty for weeks; that is not cycling. As long as the water has been dechlorinated you can put a betta in. :)

Letting a tank set empty does absolutely nothing to make it safer for fish, despite what we are told at the local fish store. You can find out what cycling is by reading the stickies in the beginner forum. I see you have other tanks up and running. It's a good idea for all aquarists to have a good working knowledge of the nitrogen cycle.

You can transfer an ornament or some gravel from one of your other tanks to start a bacteria colony to break down the ammonia from the fish waste into nitrates. It isn't usually considered too big a deal with such a small tank, though, since you will be doing frequent water changes anyway; but it certainly cannot hurt.

I like that the tank you are purchasing has built-in filtration. I have two the same size, which have been used to house bettas, but the thing I did not like about them is that they have undergravel filtration.