Hey guys, im pretty new to this forum and i was wondering if anyone could HELP!!!! any would be very MUCH appreciated!!!
I have a 20 gal tank with 2 platies, 1 bristlenose pleco, 6 tetras and 1 pearl gourami.. So, today i decided to buy a three spot gourami just coz their pretty... i took it home put it in the tank and BOOM... my pearl started attacking!!!!
I didn't know wut to do coz the guy at the fish store said that they should be okay... so now my pearl is being fish sit by my cousin in her tank!!!
So, I did some research and apparently three spot gourami is more aggressive than pearl towards other fish!!! is this true???? i have no experience with gouramis before except for my pearl which i've had for a while and i have never had any problems with him!!
Please help! I do like my pearl coz i have had him for a while... is there any possibilities to keep em together????
thanx a bunch in advance!!! *laughingc
I have a 20 gal tank with 2 platies, 1 bristlenose pleco, 6 tetras and 1 pearl gourami.. So, today i decided to buy a three spot gourami just coz their pretty... i took it home put it in the tank and BOOM... my pearl started attacking!!!!
I didn't know wut to do coz the guy at the fish store said that they should be okay... so now my pearl is being fish sit by my cousin in her tank!!!
So, I did some research and apparently three spot gourami is more aggressive than pearl towards other fish!!! is this true???? i have no experience with gouramis before except for my pearl which i've had for a while and i have never had any problems with him!!
Please help! I do like my pearl coz i have had him for a while... is there any possibilities to keep em together????
thanx a bunch in advance!!! *laughingc