issue with african chiclid

Apr 29, 2012
Stanwood, WA
My lfs had somoeone drop off a good size teenage african chiclid and pleco. I brought home my new fish and quarentined them. I put them i large contaners ans let them aclimate. My pleco, beastly, is doing awesome but my african chiclid is swimming with his belly on the side of the tank and tail up. He has just resently started to do barrel rolls when I do water changes. Could he be sick? Or dying?

Feb 27, 2009
How long have you had the cichlid in quarantine? What are the parameters of the water (measure of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate)? Does not sound well based on your description.

Apr 29, 2012
Stanwood, WA
i have had him in quarentine for about 3 weeks. im afriad to put him in my tank. i took a sample of my water in all 3 of my tanks to my lfs and they did tests before and after i got him. all was good. hes eating very well and has no physical signs of sickness besides the way he swims.