It was a disaster


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The tank was atrocious, the water looked like milk, the tank had white skum all around the sides. I came home and changed the water and have it filling back up as we speak, but I will tell you one thing, I have the cleanest sand that 125g of RO water will clean. It took me three hours to take the water out and wipe everything down. When I put the sand in, I put in two fourty pound bags of dry sand and one twenty pound bag of live sand. Will the sand be alright ? I am sure I will have to replace the twenty pounds of live sand, is that right? Anyway the tank is clean and the water is going back in clean. Lesson Learned


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Some idiot, didnt read the instructions very well, and missed the part that said rinse the sand before putting in the tank. It may have cleared up if I had waited, but my LR is do in Thursday and I had to have the water cleaned up. But, you would have had to seen it to appreciate just how bad it was.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I guess from your latest thread you either didn't see this or decided that you didn't want to let it settle. As stated the live rock would have settled the dust could then just take a mag float and run it over the inside the glass and it would have removed any sand dust settled there....... sorry but in my opinion you have gone to a whole lot of extra work for nothing....per the attached pics....this was the process over a week or so

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feel free to check out the slide show..above link


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Your right Lorna, but mine was 10x worse than that, I wouldnt have been able to see the LR in the pics you posted, it was baddd, lol. But its fixed now, I just turned the pumps back on at nine pm. The water is alittle milky but not much, and I am outa salt, lol. Getting all my LR tommrow from both stores, cant wait.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
thanks, it is 150lbs of marshall island rock total of 5 pieces. I think if I did it over again I would probably go with smaller pieces as there are more options. The rock is very branchy and full of tunnels. I took one piece about 35lbs and put it in my 29 and rearranged the rock in the later pics.

I think when I did it I put the water in.....mixed it then added the sand by immersing the bags into the tank and slipping and sliding the sand out of the bags....this didn't create as much of a dust storm as some do.....You can't just pour in the sand as it will definitely be a mess. Even then I had some major settlement on everything and with a good baster just blew it all off. It will come about.....just go slowly.....