items ordered

Apr 17, 2008
i finaly got my 300$ gift certifricate and i bought the essentials from drs foster and smith so when every thing gets here im ordering the LR i know you have to cure the rock 1st before you add the fish can any 1 help me on the acclimation and cureing process?

Im realy happy of finaly geting a sw tank :) *BOUNCINGS*BOUNCINGS

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
This is the same rock I will be getting for my 75. It is already cured but they recommend recuring it because of die off during the shipping process. It shouldn't take very long for the recuring process. Should be just like your regular tank cycling but will take a little longer to complete the cycle.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
This rock is "precured" which really doesn't mean much. I order the same rock a few years ago and the curing process shouldn't take too long.

You can do it a few ways, but if you don't have any live stock it might be easier to just cure it in your tank. The more water you change and the more frequent you do it will cure the rock faster. When I did mine I changed 50% of the water every other day. I only filled my tank up enough to cover the rocks. Make sure to have good flow and a heater in the tank. The use of a protein skimmer will also help, but not absolutely necessary. Some peole say turn the lights on while others say don't. I ran my lights for 1 hour a day during the process just because....