it's been 2 weeks 3 days .....


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
shreve, ohio
it has been that long since i bought 12 ghost shrimp and 6 days since i've seen any? i did move everything around in the tank last tuesday and found 1 exoskeliton where it looked like the shrimp was molting. but that was the only remains i found. so it looks like you cannot put ghost shrimp in w/ tiger barbs if anyone ever has anything else on the subject post it so no one else buy there tiger barbs $$ fish food lol i loved those little guys:D


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
dont know
I had bought 6 shrimp and had put them in a 29 gallon and never saw them again after the first time I put them in. I had two Angels and I figured they must have taken care of them. Then about 4 months latter I was tearing down the tank and I found all 6 of the shrimp, underneath some rocks and in the gravel. Couldn't believe it. I threw them in my 75 gal now and havn't seen them since. OH WELL