It's been a while, and starting fresh with a 75G tank..


Small Fish
Oct 20, 2009
Hello all. I purchased a "used" 75g tank the other day. Came with two, Tetra 30/60 whisper power filters and a nice wood stand. He threw in a heater, which I think I'll just toss and buy new. OK... So I put about 80% water in the tank just to check for leaks and whatnot and to make sure the pumps work good(which have no filters or carbon in at the moment). Everything has been running for over 24 hrs. I filled the tank with tap water from the garden hose, would it be ok to do a 50% wc, then add substrate and everything else, add some start right, ammonia, then start the fishless cycle?
Also, I was thinking of doing a few live plants and was confused on what to bury them in. any recommendations? Thanks alot everyone and glad to be part of MFT for an upcoming long time im sure! *thumbsups


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
Why do you want to do a 50% water change? other then that yeah put all your stuff in it and get it cycling. Is start right and bacteria additive? I've never used any of those but most around here don't think they work well.

Live plants can be planted in whatever your substrate is, small gravel works well. You might want to read up a little in the planted section, depending how many plants you plan on having.


Large Fish
Dec 31, 2008
Everyone and their mom is going to tell you to read Miss Fishy's Guide to Cycling, so you might just want to start there and go from there before you ask any cycle questions. Just saying. But I don't think that adding Start Right will really do a thing while your cycling, all it does is make water from teh tap immediately safe for fish- no fish, no worries. Happy you're back into the best hobby in the world! :)