ITS DECIDED! I am doing a native tank (:


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
I fell in love with these guys when I saw them on I did some research and I have to have them. I cannot not have them.

They are called okefenokee pygymy sunfish. anyone have experiance? i know there used to be some native people here...

Anyways, gonna set up a 20L for them below a 29g and get some java moss going on some drift wood and make a natural as possible swampy feel to this tank :) and if I can get them to spawn...o joy to me!!! thatll pay for my hobby!!! not...but I will share :)

I would be more jittery and jumping with joy but its like 6am and the babys asleep


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Pygmy Sunfish! No way! I've always wanted some of those guys! I read an article about breeding them. From my memory, the things to do to get them to breed is have a peat moss bottom, a very well planted tank, excellent water quality and I think 1:2 male-female ratio.

Good luck! Sounds awesome :3


Superstar Fish
Like other closely related US native killfish they may only take live foods. The males are very nice looking!!! Native fish are pretty easy to care for if you can provide good water quality and live foods as some require. I had my regular Sunfish taking pellets with a few months, although I did have to soak them first to get them soft.
One day I want to do another US native tank with the regular Sunfish and BlueGill's. I really like the US native tanks!!!!


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
never done native...but live foods isnt a big deal, i did have wild discus too that only took live. too bad their so small or id feed them fry.

and ya from what im reading their the easiet of the pygmys to breed, and some green watr also helps. but planted tank will be fun to have around again. itll be awhile before i can set it up but i plan on making a thread for it all when i do. still upset discus arnt a possibility. 3rd story apartment,,..blah


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
not sure...i have to get the tank first :) figure ill set it up below the 29g ina 20L in the living room.

but currently, between the two girls and $ it may be a research it now and get later thing. And depending how tests turn out-willl be a factor in the tanks