It's Disease Week at fishysmell's House... Come And Save The Day... Again

Hey everybody, I have wonderful news. One of my long fin white skirt teras has a clear bulb thingy in the middle of its tail. It is totally clear except for a few small white strands that are about .5 - 1 mm thick and probably about 5 mm long. There are two or three of them from what I see. Anyway the bulb itself is about 5 mm across and sitting directly centered near the back of the main lower fin. Any idea what it is? The pH in that tank is about 6.5 so I'm surprised there is a problem in there. I kinda noticed it a few days ago when it was small but I ignored it as it was white on a, you guessed it, white fish. This is really pissing me off. These are the first real cases I have had of any disease in a few years. The only thing I have ever had to deal with was a little ich about a year ago and that has been it for the past few years. Help me! If you didn't detect my heavy sarcasm at the top, you might want to question yourself rather than me about how I'm happy about this. Thanks for reading my little essay. Any help would be greatly appreciated on what this is and how to get rid of it. I threw in some rid ich just to see if it might work a few minutes ago (after a 40% watter change).


Could someone please help me on this. I haven't found any disease databases that describe anything like this. The closest thing I think I have found is glugea (sp?) but that stuff is white and doesn't grow on fins. It might be lymphocystosis but those are all white too. This one is clear. At this point I am really considering trimming the fin and quarantining the fish for a couple months in my little styrofoam "tank". Please help me on what to do on this one. I really don't know, I've never seen or heard of anything like it. Some, any, advise would be greatly appreciated.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Yeah...I was thinking could it be a parasite? At the very least couldn't hurt to treat with parasite meds. Is it in a tank by itself or have you isolated it?

I got it in my 24 gallon hex with a bunch of other fish. I don't have any available tanks/containers at this point since I'm also treating an ich outbreak (stupid online stores! >=( ). I don't think its a parasite because it goes through the fin, in otherwords, if you look at the fish from the back, you can see a side of the spherical bulge on either side. Its pretty close to the end of the fin and being its a long finned tetra, I figured a little trim wouldn't be too bad. I don't have any pictures or a digital camera for that matter. In fact, I posted a question on how to get good pictures of my tank/fish earlier today. I noticed today that it has kind of started to turn a little more milky colored but thats about it. I plan on throwing some more rid ich in there tonight just out of hope that it might work. If that doesn't help I don't know what else I can do. Probably the best help you could give me would have to be generic. I know its pretty hard to tell what I'm talking about at this point but anything you guys tell me could help so gimme your best shot if you can. Thanks again, I appreciate it.