i've been slacking...!


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
well, i *finally* got around to changing up my 29 gallon tank a bit last week! the stocking used to be:
1 angel
1 pearl gourami
2 cherry barbs
3 cories
1 rubberlip pleco
1 clown pleco
(i did have a full school of harlequin rasboras, but they died off slowly. i also had 1 more cherry barb and a few more cories, but this is what i was down to as of last week.)

SO... i brought everyone except my 2 pleco's into my lfs. in exchange, i picked up 2 convicts (1m+1f) and a school of 7 tiger barbs! so now i have
1 male con
1 fem con
7 tiger barbs
1 rubberlip pleco
1 clown pleco

i am really enjoying this setup so far! i haven't seen any eggs yet, but the con's have really taken a liking to a little sunken ship decoration i have in there, so i'm on the lookout. here are a few pics:

(i know this last one is blurry, but it shows off my girl's colors nicely!)

i'll try to get some more pics later!!
