I've been thinkin' about gettin' a Betta


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
A 5 gal would be fine. I often see frogs in with betas, but arent that sure if they are a good idea, I have heard stories about the frogs biting at the betas tails. I dont know how true this is, so maybe some one else could let us know?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I was thinking about getting a fish for my desk at work...figured a betta would be good, but I thought the same thing you did...you never see them MOVE.

OK long story short I was telling one of my friends that and he used to have bettas, and absolutely loved them! He said that in the store they
A: dont have much room to move and
B: the water is usually cooler than they like it.

He said that Betas move a lot more when the water is warmer, not just room temperature like most betas are kept (because their little tiny homes can't accomodate heaters!)

After talking with him about them I decided that one day I MIGHT get one...but I'm still not sure :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
get an eclipse exporer2 and put java ferns in the way of the water return and you have the perfect betta tank.the motor will keep the tank reativly warm(76-80f) it comes with a bio wheel and if the betta likes a little curent that never hurts either.you gotta watch bettas and any other fish.some are cool some are mean killing machines.

I also "rescued" my sexy betta boy (thats his name ;) ); he was one of the weaker looking ones and I feel so bad when I see animals suffering...but anyway, as soon as I got him in his five gallon he was swimming like a zebra danio! He gets along fine with the African Dwarf Frog by the way - the love each other! Sometimes my betta gets lazy and will prop himself right up on a leaf or something, but other than that he's always fun to watch. He is the only one to actually go in the little caves that are in some of the decorations... He'll sit there face outwards with just his head showing, it is soo adorable..As for a home for him, there really is nothing wrong with some of the tank kits at walmart... We got him and the frog a five gallon Galaxy 5 and it has turned out just fine...it was 40 bucks. However, if you have the room, wally world also sells 10 gallon kits at either 27 or 50 bucks, depending on if you want the so-called "deluxe" kit....


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
I've had my blue betta for a couple of months now. He lives with 2 pigmy cories in a 20 litre planted tank. I keep it at about 26C.
He's not the most exciting fish, but he's utterly beautiful and peaceful drifting around the tank with his fins flowing.
The warmer he is the happier but I don't want to cook him or the cories. The tank tends to heat up the longer the light is on...so in the morning the tank's only at about 24 and he lurks near the bottom looking fed up. By evening it's up to 27 and he's relatively active.