ive got 2 blue mbunas will this work


Medium Fish
Mar 25, 2006
ok my question is 2 parts,first i want some yellow labs in my tank ive read there pretty mellow,will they fare ok in with 2 blue mbunas,2 red zebras,1 johanni there all about 1 1/2 inches now.would electric yellows be better?whats there temp?question 2 ive been looking around lfs for yellow labs and electric yellows ive found some but there either smaller or bigger then mine,how small is to small to add in a tank compared to what you already have? thanks guys.p.s im pretty new so if im being a dumbass just tell me lol

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
2 "mbuna" could be a wide range of fish. Any idea what species of Mbuna? Mbuna is just a term that classifies the Lake Malawi rock dwelling fish.

Though with the other fish you have listed, yes they are compatiable. Electric yellows are the same thing as yellow labs. If they are small enough to fit into the other fish's mouth, they will probably end up there. However even slightly bigger then the mouth doesn't mean they won't get beaten up or pushed around to the point of death. I'd try to (as best as possible) closely match their sizes. A 2inch yellow lab probably could work, just really depends on the individual fish.

Everyone has to start somewhere, i'm just glad you are on here asking questions before you do anything. :)