Ive got a co2 question


Medium Fish
Jul 24, 2011
Richfield Ohio
I have a diy co2 set up on my 30g planted tank. I was given something called API co2 booster. The bottle says nothing about co2 injection so I'm curious if I'm supposed to add this with the co2 I'm injecting or if this is something different. All I can find on google is something about spot treating algea with it .. I'm really new to co2 if u can't tell lol. Thanks for your help..

Feb 27, 2009
I've not used the product before (its relatively new) but its advertising shows it to be the same as Seachem's Excel. Its a liquid carbon source for plants and in a form that algae can't use. So you feed the plants to outcompete the algae. The 'spot treatment' for algae is due to the fact that it is a reducing agent. It does the same thing as using H2O2, but more intense. If it acts as Excel does, some plants can melt if its used.