I've got a little pickle...

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
Ha, well it seems like I am getting turned around. I am not entirely sure of what I want, and want to explore my options on stocking some more. Any ideas will be appreciated. I just want to know where I could go, before I get somewhere I don't want to be, and lose money.


Current Inhabitants:
2 Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish
Yellow Tang
Coral Beauty Dwarf Angel
Longnose Hawkfish
Snowflake Eel
3-Stripe Damsel
Chocolate Chip Starfish
Reef Safe Crustaceans/Mollusks
Bubble Tip Anemone

Optional Inhabitants:
Take away: Eel, Damsel, and Star

Mandarin Dragonet - BEAUTIFUL, definitely at the top of my list
Dispar Anthias - LiveAquaria says singel specimens can be in 25gal minimum
Royal Gramma Basslet
Neon Blue Gobies - Cool cleaners
Longfin Fairy Wrasse - I heard they have a good rep.
Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Blue Linckia Starfish - I don't care for the brittles and serpents

I currently have 60#LR and do not intend on adding many corals, if at all.
Dragonet could be readily supported, my refugium is swarming with pods.
LFS claims the Snowflake Eels that he has been around will ignore those shrimp that are clearly identified cleaners, i.e. the Scarlet Skunk.
The Damsel is a total butthole. The eel is pleasant and ignores the fish completely. He has never experience live food.
I've recently learned that the chocolate chip star is a bad reef star, as they will eat clams, some corals, any other star but its own, and must be supplemented with meaty foods.

So I've done some looking around and have seen some of my options. Everytime I goto the LFS I see Mandarins (Green/Blue), and it makes me want them even more. It has to be the most beautiful fish I've seen.

Well, just figured I'd throw in my most recent thoughts. What do you guys suggest? I want to know if there is something I've never seen that would be worth pursuing.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
bigger tank...just for the fish you have. mandarins tend to starve to death unless they are given extremely special treatment that most hobbists are not willing to provide...ask lordroad. even a refugium will not garantee sucess, usually for them to survive without large amounts of effort and patience on your part...100+ pounds of live rock and a well established system are essential.

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
Ah poo. I already knew the tang would be leaving. Will the angel be fine?

Oh well, just tossing around some ideers. Thanks for keeping me out of trouble.
Planning seems to help, and really be the only way to do things.