I've lost all my Japonic shrimp

Oct 22, 2002
I pulled the last one from the tank this morning. Poor buggers. All the fish are fine. The only thing I can think of is that the KH & GH (which are 2) are not high enough for them. In my other tank which has the same KH & GH the wood shrimp or ghost shrimp, are doing well.

Perhaps I can only keep those type.

Any idea's what may have caused this? Ph 6.8, nirates 0, nitrites < 8. Ammonia 0.

The plants are doing very well. I ws adding iron to the tank every other day. There was a problem with diatoms initally, but now that is gone. Still battling green algae on the glass, but that too is subsiding.

The tank is about a month old now.