Jack Dempsey Dropping

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
I walked downstairs this morning to turn on the lights over my tanks and noticed that my jack dempsey was acting wierd. Later today I checked her again and noticed something pink hanging from near her anus. Shortly after that I saw her dropping eggs on a piece of slate in the tank. She would drop a bunch, then scoop them up in her mouth. After dropping a few dozen she found the oscar in the tank and brought him over. Not sure what to expect there, but he was welcome over there while she was doing her thing. Pictures to come.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
If she was scooping them up in her mouth, she was most likely eating them i would think. And while the pair might be possible, the outcome of viable eggs/fry from that pairing would be very slim to none.

Its cool knowing you have a female now though. And tank conditions must be well enough to induce breeding.

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
Thats what I was thinking Matt, just happy my tank is in good enough condition to induce breeding in my fish. I am not sure what sex my oscar and the chance that the two of them could produce living fry is minimal, it still intrigues me that she let him get that close to her while she dropped, especially if they were going to breed. I thought she would be kinda pushy at that time and not want a lot of company. Again, it is too cool to witness her laying eggs and knowing that she is happy in her environment.

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
Yeah, I am thinking the two of them would've gotten along great VirgoWolf. There is a sandwich place in town that has a beautiful male dempsey and I've tried to talk the owner into letting me have him. The poor guy shares his tank with a turtle in a 29g but has color to die for. I am thinking stud service.