Jack Dempsey Fish Friends

We recently bought a jack for my daughter. She is very interested in having a fish that has personality.
We also bought her a large school of Tiger Barbs to act as dither fish for it - thinking that they would be just large enough to not be seen as food.
Last night she couldn't find one of her barbs and after looking around, sure enough, there were only 11 of the original 12.
Then when I turned the light out, I saw the jack begin stalking the barbs. Very cool behavior, but my daughter was becoming distraught. She understands that we can feed the jack fish, but not her "pet" fish.
So the school of Tigers went into my community 110gal where they seem quite happy.

Back to the Jack...
I would still like something else in the tank with him, but I'm not sure what and am open to suggestions.
He's in a 50gal, and currently has 2: pictus catfish, and I intend to get a medium size pleco (bristlenose size) also.
What else can I put in with him? Giant Danios maybe? A pair of Angels (I worry about their long fins though). Something else?



Superstar Fish
I have had good luck with Oscars and jacks, that is what is in my current 125G but, your tank is to small for an Oscar. I have seen display tanks with giant danios and jacks together at a couple pet stores. Never tried it myself but it seemed unreasonable. Your tank is really not big enough for another large cichlid. The best suggestion would be another Jack IMHO. I had 7 jacks in a 150G with plenty of hiding spots and never had any issues. As long as you can make several hiding spots you might be OK with another Jack but its alway a toss-up with cichlids.


Small Fish
Jan 28, 2012
Giant Danios tend to go well with Jacks, especially younger ones. I've kept them together in my 120 and only had issues with my Oscar catching them, never the JDs. Currently I've got my adult JDs with Turquoise and Bosemani Rainbowfish and haven't only lost a couple to the female (around 7").