Jack Dempsey not eating


New Fish
Mar 15, 2009
I have about a 7" JD. He's been living with my tiger oscars for a couple years since they were all tiny.

His behavior is that he doesn't eat, and when I feed he gets excited but he just shakes instead of eating. He also has done some rock rubbing. I feed them cichlid pellets, Chichlid Gold.

His color is poor and he's lost some scales. Probably malnutrition from not eating.

My tank maintenance had been pretty poor as the tank was at my condo, but I really wasn't ever there to take care of the fish.

I've moved the tank to where I spend most of my time. So a week ago they got about a 95% water change due to the move. His behavior started before the move, so that wasn't the cause although I was hoping it would be the cure.

Any advice? I've read that JDs like to hide, so I'll get him a hiding spot ASAP.

Any other thoughts?

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Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
You could always try something a little more appetizing, get some frozen bloodworms or some ghost shrimp...its possible that his tastes are just changing and he doesn't want that food anymore. If he's sick though, that could be making him not want to eat so you definitely need to keep an eye on him. Are your tank's water parameters stable since you moved? (no ammonia or nitrites, nitrates low, ph & temperature steady)


New Fish
Mar 15, 2009
Thanks for the input.

I haven't tested the chemistry. The tank temperature seems stable.

It probably would be a good idea to try a new food. I'm sure the oscars wouldn't mind it either.