Jack Dempsey tough?

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
So I had bought two very small Jack dempseys to add to my group a few weeks ago.

Well, after a few days..I could only see one. I figured the other guys must have either got him or he did not make it.

Well unfortantly, I was never told my filter's intake screen fell off and it was just an exposed tube. My wife saw it was off and pushed it back on for me a week and some ago.

It came up in conversation and I was like..wow...never had one fall off before.

Well I did a filter rinse today on my filter and when I pulled out the compartments....I took the bottom compartment out and I saw something jump.

I got a net and dumnped the filter's water and there came the missing Jack!..alive! He was stuck in the bottom compartment area....not sure if he could even move for a week plus.

I just setup a 10 g Hosp tank and will move it from the main tank tomorrow if he still looks like a wreck. Cant believe he was alive. Hope he pulls through. Man that would be something.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well so far he is doing ok. This was my first fish(besides a fry) to end up in a filter for me. Well I have had a fish or two jump into a HOB whisperr before.

Hopefully the Jack will recover and I will have a story to tell the kids that come over when he is big.

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
I think JDs are very tough fish. My jack was exposed to shampoo and salad dressing as a youngster, before I adopted him. I have now had her for almost 10 years and she has great color. She is a little smaller then I think she should be, but I consider her to be the strongest fish I have. Good luck with JD, hopefully everything works out for you.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
wow...thats happier than the usual "my fish went missing" stories lol Glad he seems to be ok :) My jack survived a fishtank boiling disaster when he was little, one of two fish in my 55 that didn't succumb to the temperatures when I had a heater malfunction. He seems to have stunted growth, but other than that he's ok :)