Jack Dempsey - Won't Eat

I have had my Jack Dempsey (Bud) for a little over two years. He got picky about eating about 8 months ago, so I began feeding him little rosies all the time. I would give him one rosey a day. Well for the past 2 and 1/2 weeks he has not ate anything. Is he dying or sick, or is he lonely? He is the only thing in a 40 gallon aquariuam because all the other fish I put in there he killed. Does he want a female. Or should I try changing his scenery. Does anybody have any suggestions????

Thanks so much for any help or advise!


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
IMO 40 gallons is plenty big enought for one JD

feeding a fish exclusively on feeder fish often leads to difficulties, you may find that he wont eat anything but live fish now. But im not sure why he has suddenly stoped eating at all, what have you tried to feed him with?

I tried the feeder fish, flakes, and veggies, b/c I heard it was good to feed them veggies. I also noticed a couple of white spots on him, so I treated him for Ick yesterday and left the filter off all night. Now he is coverd, especially on his mouth, with white stuff. Man, he's gonna die, but he's holden on for something. I don't want him to die. Should I keep treating him, or turn the filter back on? Gosh, this is heartbreaking!!!