Jack Dempsey

I have got a 29 gallon tank which i had now for a few weeks and used some zebra danios to help with the cycle , they seem to be fine , I recently visited my LFS , and was told that i would be able to keep a Jack dempsey with theses danios , so i bought it , they seem to be getting along fine but i was wondering if this will stop and will the JD turn them into lunch , Also is a 29 gallon large enough to house the JD , or am i better off trying to give the JD to someone with a larger tank or back to the LFS.

29 gallon
2 zebra danios
1 leopard danio
1 Jack dempsey ?


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
IMO the jack dempsey is just a bit too large for a 29 gallon. the males reach about 8 inches and are very robust......they are more suited to a 55 gallon or larger.

however, there are other cichlids that would go great with your danios that are just as cool as the jacks.

convicts are great cichlids for smaller set-ups.....a pair would do fine in your 29 gallon.

there are a lot of other choices including shell dwellers, kribs, curviceps, a pair of angels, rams, a pair of julidochromis (like transcriptus, ornatus)

it depends upon what you want in a tank........

is your set-up planted? or does it have driftwood? etc.

fill us in a bit more.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
the dempsey is possibly my favourite fish i always like going to my lfs where they have to blue damseys and a regular one, unfortunately ive never been able to keep one, i may get one for my 50g im gettin 4 xmas though :), yeah i'd say the dempseys should be fine with the danios as the danios r so quick, but he will outgrow the tank eventually, i would take him back change it for any of the fish managuense suggested


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Yes, the JD will get too big. You could keep him for a while, but eventually, you will have to find him a new home. Jack Dempsey's get much, much larger than 8". I saw one a fish store a few blocks off of Central Expressway in downtown Dallas that was at least 14"--no kidding! He was the most beautiful fish I've ever seen! The coloration was magnificent, and resulted in me keeping Jacks!

You might also try Jewel cichlids in addition to Mana's list.


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
a 14 inch jack???? are you sure?

now hey! i am up for something i have never seen before, but the LARGEST males i have seen were 11 inches, and they were monsters!

all of the ones i have raised never passed 8 inches. :mad:

are you 100% sure?

if so, that this wacked out man! i would love to see one that size.

a 14 incher would NOT be representative of their adult size as a whole though, i promise you that.....:)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Man I'm serious! He was huge--I didn't even know they got that big! I figure he was as old as the hills, but he still looked good! He was in a large tank with a very large Albino Oscar (about 11-12"). The JD was just chillin in a hole he dug out next to a lone piece of carved rock.