If the Jacks are moving stuff around the tank, then it sounds like they are settling down. They can be quite 'busy' fish, and like to arrange things their own way, marking out their territory in the tank. Introduced to a new tank, they were probably watching for a while to see what else would happen before making themselves comfortable.
When I recently moved mine to a smaller tank, he went off his scoff a bit, but I figured that his previous environment was a community tank, encouraging him to get as much in his mouth as quickly as possible, whereas now he's on his own (for the moment), so he doesn't eat 'competetively' now.
They are very sociable fish (with humans and other jacks), so try feeding by hand to give them confidence in their surroundings. Most fish can go without food for a week without any bother at all, so no need to panic - they'll headbut the side walls to get your attention when they get hungry.
Jacks seem quite hardy as far as cycling goes, so I reckon you needn't worry unless they get lethargic (water change time) - just keep an eye on the behaviour and that'll tell you what to do (as far as Jacks are concerned, you are the one in the tank, and they are in charge)